All upcoming TCG sets releases for 2024 and 2025
have you ever wondered what is the next TCG set, or what new tcg is coming out in 2023? Well, wonder no more, because here is the ultimate list of all upcoming TCG’s for 2023 and 2024!
have you ever wondered what is the next TCG set, or what new tcg is coming out in 2023? Well, wonder no more, because here is the ultimate list of all upcoming TCG’s for 2023 and 2024!
Many MTG sets get some extra play aids release to spice up your Commander games, but Wizards does not do a lot of PR for these, despite them being fun little additions! Here’s everyting you need to know about the Thunder Junction Commander Party!
Ever wanted to create your own cards for your favorite games? Well, go ahead than!
Villains are gathering in the new frontier with Outlaws of Thunder Junction
My positive review of a book that should have been called the Underworld Cookbook, but isn’t. It’s still awesome though!
we will be digging deep into the core of Ixalan on the next return to that plane where we will be meeting freshly-sparked Quintorius Kand from the Strixhaven school of Lorehold and a desparked Huatli
Commander Party is a fun thematic way to spice up your commander nights! Here’s an overview of all past events..
2025 will be kicked of by multiple Ravnica-related releases, among which a murder mystery!
During the Gencon panel, Mark Rosewater revealed that with Wilds of Eldraine a new 3-year long story arc is starting, codenamed Metronome. The first part of this three year long story will be the Omenpath-arc. Ashiok will be there, and they are not desparked!
In the latest Magic: The Gathering survey there was a lot of talk about other games, digital games to be specific. Why would they ask you about this? Well, I’ve got theories!