How does Card Rarity work in Flesh and Blood TCG?
A primer on card rarities and printings for Flesh and Blood CCG. How to tell the difference between rarity symbols and what’s changed between sets. Up-to-date until History Pack 1
A primer on card rarities and printings for Flesh and Blood CCG. How to tell the difference between rarity symbols and what’s changed between sets. Up-to-date until History Pack 1
Legend Story Studios finally released more information about the release of their new set Monarch, which will feature a light vs. dark theme! Monarch is a standalone booster set introducing four new heroes..
Buy-outs historically drives up prices of products. As the stock on the market suddenly crashes, people scramble to get their hands on the last available units, driving up the price while even more limiting the market. The question remains; is this a bubble or will it sustain?