□ | 1 | Accato | Creature | Common |
□ | 2 | Akkrean | Creature | Rare |
□ | 3 | Frafdo, The Hero | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 4 | Grindaald | Creature | Common |
□ | 5 | Gronmor | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 6 | Ikkatosh, Guardian of Nature | Creature | Rare |
□ | 7 | Issaley | Creature | Rare |
□ | 8 | Lystone | Creature | Common |
□ | 9 | Okaxor | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 10 | Tangath Toborn, In Training | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 11 | Targubaj | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 12 | Tartarek, Psi Overloader | Creature | Ultra Rare |
□ | 13 | Trimdaal | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 14 | Wrenges | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 15 | Aokua | Creature | Rare |
□ | 16 | Asadab | Creature | Common |
□ | 17 | Bladez | Creature | Rare |
□ | 18 | Brimflame | Creature | Common |
□ | 19 | Gambreor | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 20 | Ilx | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 21 | Kraade | Creature | Common |
□ | 22 | Kreaal | Creature | Rare |
□ | 23 | Lyssta | Creature | Ultra Rare |
□ | 24 | Nauthilax, Tainted | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 25 | Ooloo | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 26 | Ragetrod | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 27 | Rarran, Tainted | Creature | Rare |
□ | 28 | Tomugar | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 29 | Chaac | Creature | Common |
□ | 30 | Drazz | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 31 | Hermatred | Creature | Common |
□ | 32 | Irrabeq | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 33 | Kalanju | Creature | Rare |
□ | 34 | Katharaz | Creature | Ultra Rare |
□ | 35 | Lendai | Creature | Rare |
□ | 36 | Mivindal | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 37 | Necrabe | Creature | Ultra Rare |
□ | 38 | Nimmei | Creature | Rare |
□ | 39 | Rebant | Creature | Common |
□ | 40 | Tabaal | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 41 | Uholdan | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 42 | Ulmquad | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 43 | Alazdan | Creature | Rare |
□ | 44 | Bivike | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 45 | Dakkamal, Melee Trainer | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 46 | Ebberim | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 47 | Fazkaal | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 48 | Jumbad | Creature | Common |
□ | 49 | Kileron, Warbeast of the Dust Storm | Creature | Ultra Rare |
□ | 50 | Maliph, Guard of the Palace | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 51 | Mizkio | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 52 | Owayki | Creature | Rare |
□ | 53 | Savell | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 54 | Sirri | Creature | Common |
□ | 55 | Tinnoi | Creature | Rare |
□ | 56 | Wistanne | Creature | Common |
□ | 57 | Ebena'bakku | Creature | Ultra Rare |
□ | 58 | Erak'tabb | Creature | Rare |
□ | 59 | Gan'trak | Creature | Rare |
□ | 60 | Ihun'kalin | Creature | Rare |
□ | 61 | Klar'nok | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 62 | Milla'iin | Creature | Rare |
□ | 63 | Neth'uar | Creature | Rare |
□ | 64 | Rath'tab | Creature | Ultra Rare |
□ | 65 | Ritzu'dag | Creature | Super Rare |
□ | 66 | Xis'torq | Creature | Uncommon |
□ | 67 | Ash Torrent | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 68 | Burning Rain | Attack | Super Rare |
□ | 69 | Confusion | Attack | Common |
□ | 70 | Daunting Bravery | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 71 | Deceleration | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 72 | Delerium | Attack | Common |
□ | 73 | Deluge of Doom | Attack | Common |
□ | 74 | Disempowerment Combo | Attack | Super Rare |
□ | 75 | Dry Liquid | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 76 | Electro-Web | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 77 | Ember Swarm | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 78 | Fear Projection | Attack | Common |
□ | 79 | Flaming Coals | Attack | Rare |
□ | 80 | Flashwarp | Attack | Common |
□ | 81 | Ghost Gouge | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 82 | Gravity Slam | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 83 | Hammer Dash | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 84 | Hampering Winds | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 85 | Heat Rage | Attack | Common |
□ | 86 | Ice Disks | Attack | Rare |
□ | 87 | Ice Sheet | Attack | Super Rare |
□ | 88 | Lightning Burst | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 89 | Mind Grind | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 90 | Mindful Finish | Attack | Super Rare |
□ | 91 | Mindsink | Attack | Common |
□ | 92 | Minor Roar | Attack | Super Rare |
□ | 93 | Neuro Freeze | Attack | Super Rare |
□ | 94 | Outsmart | Attack | Rare |
□ | 95 | Outwit | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 96 | Perplexing Heat | Attack | Common |
□ | 97 | Piercing Brilliance | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 98 | Plasmarrow | Attack | Rare |
□ | 99 | Poison Panic | Attack | Super Rare |
□ | 100 | Poison Sphere | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 101 | Power Punch | Attack | Rare |
□ | 102 | Primal Smash | Attack | Ultra Rare |
□ | 103 | Psi-mageddon | Attack | Super Rare |
□ | 104 | Psychodrain | Attack | Common |
□ | 105 | Quick Exit | Attack | Common |
□ | 106 | Radical Ice Balls | Attack | Common |
□ | 107 | Rip Tide | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 108 | Screeching Scare | Attack | Rare |
□ | 109 | Shadow Strike | Attack | Common |
□ | 110 | Shriek Shock | Attack | Common |
□ | 111 | Sink Scream | Attack | Ultra Rare |
□ | 112 | Slowsand | Attack | Common |
□ | 113 | Snare Attack | Attack | Rare |
□ | 114 | Spirit Gust | Attack | Common |
□ | 115 | Streak Strike | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 116 | Stupefying Tide | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 117 | Terror-fying Tackle | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 118 | Timeslow | Attack | Common |
□ | 119 | Torrent of Flame | Attack | Common |
□ | 120 | Torrent of Water | Attack | Common |
□ | 121 | Velocitrap | Attack | Common |
□ | 122 | Vine Snare | Attack | Uncommon |
□ | 123 | Web Cocoon | Attack | Common |
□ | 124 | Whirling Wail | Attack | Rare |
□ | 125 | Whirlwind Scythes | Attack | Common |
□ | 126 | Aerodrone | Battlegear | Super Rare |
□ | 127 | Algal Wings of Attraction | Battlegear | Ultra Rare |
□ | 128 | Alluring Bait | Battlegear | Rare |
□ | 129 | Aspect Amplifier: Agility | Battlegear | Common |
□ | 130 | Aspect Amplifier: Bravery | Battlegear | Common |
□ | 131 | Aspect Amplifier: Might | Battlegear | Common |
□ | 132 | Aspect Amplifier: Wit | Battlegear | Common |
□ | 133 | Brain Amplifier | Battlegear | Super Rare |
□ | 134 | Breath of the Desert | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 135 | Destructozooka | Battlegear | Rare |
□ | 136 | Hive Amber | Battlegear | Rare |
□ | 137 | Kha'rall Husk Armor | Battlegear | Rare |
□ | 138 | Manual of Vidav | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 139 | Maxxor's Torch | Battlegear | Super Rare |
□ | 140 | Mind Prism | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 141 | Mindclasp | Battlegear | Rare |
□ | 142 | Mirrors of Misplacement | Battlegear | Super Rare |
□ | 143 | Parasite Tablet | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 144 | Phobia Mask | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 145 | Phobia Tabard | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 146 | The Pit Token | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 147 | Plasma Pounder | Battlegear | Super Rare |
□ | 148 | Prism of Fright | Battlegear | Common |
□ | 149 | Prism of Mindlessness | Battlegear | Common |
□ | 150 | Prism of Sloth | Battlegear | Common |
□ | 151 | Prism of Vacuity | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 152 | Reefshard | Battlegear | Rare |
□ | 153 | Sinister Statuette | Battlegear | Uncommon |
□ | 154 | Ulmar's Bionic Steam Arms | Battlegear | Rare |
□ | 155 | Ulmar's Projector | Battlegear | Rare |
□ | 156 | Ballad of the Belittled | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 157 | Cadence Clash | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 158 | Carnivore's Keening | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 159 | Deep Dirge | Mugic | Ultra Rare |
□ | 160 | Duality Dirge | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 161 | Effervescent Etude | Mugic | Common |
□ | 162 | Etude of Exhaustion | Mugic | Common |
□ | 163 | Fanfare of the Brain | Mugic | Ultra Rare |
□ | 164 | Fatiguing Falsetto | Mugic | Common |
□ | 165 | Fluidmorpher's Fanfare | Mugic | Super Rare |
□ | 166 | Melody of Mirrored Actions | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 167 | Nourishing Nocturne | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 168 | Predator's Song | Mugic | Ultra Rare |
□ | 169 | Prelude to Dominance | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 170 | Psionic Serenade | Mugic | Ultra Rare |
□ | 171 | Song of Stable Shields | Mugic | Super Rare |
□ | 172 | Specific Diminishing | Mugic | Common |
□ | 173 | Surprising Riffs | Mugic | Common |
□ | 174 | Tonal Destruction | Mugic | Common |
□ | 175 | Dissonance of Will | Mugic | Super Rare |
□ | 176 | Ecstatic Fanfare | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 177 | Empowering Serenade | Mugic | Common |
□ | 178 | Melody of Miracles | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 179 | Odd Opus | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 180 | Chromatic Postlude | Mugic | Super Rare |
□ | 181 | Deserter's Finale | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 182 | Falsetto | Mugic | Common |
□ | 183 | Final Fugue | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 184 | Improvisational Melody | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 185 | Domestic Hive Hymn | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 186 | Draining Dirge | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 187 | Intense Polyphony | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 188 | Rhythms of Rage | Mugic | Super Rare |
□ | 189 | Symphony of Similarity | Mugic | Common |
□ | 190 | Allegro | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 191 | Aria of Enragement | Mugic | Uncommon |
□ | 192 | Desert's Wrathsong | Mugic | Super Rare |
□ | 193 | Disarming Theme | Mugic | Rare |
□ | 194 | Selective Strain | Mugic | Common |
□ | 195 | Bodal's Arsenal | Location | Ultra Rare |
□ | 196 | Brawlers' Burrow | Location | Common |
□ | 197 | Broken Edge | Location | Uncommon |
□ | 198 | Chamber of Waves | Location | Common |
□ | 199 | Deadrange Gong | Location | Super Rare |
□ | 200 | Gambreor's Hut | Location | Super Rare |
□ | 201 | Gloom-mire Night | Location | Common |
□ | 202 | Hall of Fatigue | Location | Common |
□ | 203 | The Heart of the Jungle | Location | Super Rare |
□ | 204 | The Hive Gallery | Location | Uncommon |
□ | 205 | Ijahni Outpost | Location | Super Rare |
□ | 206 | Illusionary Lake | Location | Super Rare |
□ | 207 | Imaginary Walls | Location | Rare |
□ | 208 | The Infectorium | Location | Rare |
□ | 209 | Jade Pillar | Location | Ultra Rare |
□ | 210 | Lava Pond, Milla'iin's Foothold | Location | Rare |
□ | 211 | Mommark's Catapult Tower | Location | Common |
□ | 212 | Mount Pillar Reservoir, Neth'uar's Foothold | Location | Rare |
□ | 213 | Open Doors of the Deepmines | Location | Super Rare |
□ | 214 | The OverWorld Library | Location | Uncommon |
□ | 215 | The Pits | Location | Uncommon |
□ | 216 | Psikoom Madness Chamber | Location | Common |
□ | 217 | Rao'Pa Sahkk, Ihun'kalin's Foothold | Location | Rare |
□ | 218 | Riverlands, Erak'tabb's Foothold | Location | Rare |
□ | 219 | Stormgrounds | Location | Uncommon |
□ | 220 | Ulmar's Projection Cavern | Location | Super Rare |
□ | 221 | Van Bloot's Banquet | Location | Super Rare |
□ | 222 | Vidav's Refectorium | Location | Uncommon |