Fantasy Flight Games gave a nice presentation covering their long-term plans for their upcoming TCG Star Wars Unlimited.
Store Showdown
- Select Stores will be able to host a Store Showdown Event
- Intended as the first step for competitive play within the Casual OP structure
- Set 1 Store Showdown is scheduled for May 2024
- Product Detail:
- 1 Booster display of 24 booster packs
- 32 participation promo cards
- Exclusive promos for Judges, Top 6, Top 4 and Champion
The Path to the Galactic Championship
Planetary Qualifier
- Store level event
- Begins the journey for the Galactic Championship
- Regional/Sector Qualifiers
- Destination events, run by our official partners
- Galactic Championship
- Competitive season finale where a Galactic Champion will be crowned
- Run by FFG
- Stay tuned to FFG socials for more information later this month
Every Set is a Season
- Prerelease
- 1 week before launch
- Weekly Play
- 15 weeks of play starting with the full release of the set
- Store Showdown
- Select stores around the world
- 1 month after release
- Except Set 1, which is 2 months after release
This is just the Beginning
First year of content is about foundation building
- Keeping it simple so we can ramp up over time
- Easier to add content later than do too much too fast and get it wrong
- We consider Star Wars Unlimited ‘evergreen’
- Initial design has already begun on set 7 (Year 3) and concepts have begun through set 9
- We have a 5-year roadmap that builds out additional product types and target audience considerations
- Largest dedicated staff of any game in our studio history.