Not the whole decks were preconstructed. About nine or ten cards were random. I do not know which ones (yet)
On the back of each Commander’s Edition preconstructed deck box, you’ll find a playable box power card for the appropriate faction. Box powers are special abilities that give a faction a strategic advantage.
Cardname | How Many in Deck | |
□ | Adam Steiner | 1 |
□ | Awesome AWS-8Q | 1 |
□ | Banshee BNC-5S | 1 |
□ | Berserker Revised BRZ-A3 | 1 |
□ | Brutal Punch | 1 |
□ | Ceasar Revised CES-3R | 1 |
□ | Centurion CN9-D | 1 |
□ | Civilian Settlement | 1 |
□ | Commando COM-5S | 1 |
□ | Coventry Metal Works | 1 |
□ | Disguised Coordinates | 1 |
□ | Forged Mission Orders | 1 |
□ | Good Shooting! | 1 |
□ | Grasshopper GHR-5H | 1 |
□ | Hatchetman Revised HCT-5S | 1 |
□ | Heroic Sacrifice | 1 |
□ | Inside Job | 1 |
□ | Misrouted Command | 1 |
□ | Nightsky Revised NGS-4S | 1 |
□ | Penetrator Revised PTR-4D | 1 |
□ | Quickdraw QKD-4G | 2 |
□ | Rakshasa MDG-1A | 1 |
□ | Spider Revised SDR-7M | 1 |
□ | Stalker STK-3F | 1 |
□ | Steal 'Mech | 1 |
□ | Stealth STH-1D | 1 |
□ | Steiner High Command | 1 |
□ | Strip Mining Operation | 1 |
□ | Support: Assembly | 7 |
□ | Support: Logistics | 3 |
□ | Support: Munitions | 5 |
□ | Support: Politics | 4 |
□ | Support: Tactics | 5 |
□ | Treachery! | 1 |
□ | Trebuchet TBT-5N | 1 |
□ | Unopposed | 1 |
□ | Unnamed Sources | 1 |
□ | Veteran MechWarrior | 1 |
□ | Wolfhound WLF-2 | 1 |
□ | Zeus ZEU-9S | 1 |
□ | Tharkad | Box Power |