Battletech CCG – House Kurita Sealed CE Starter Deck

Not the whole decks were preconstructed. About nine or ten cards were random. I do not know which ones (yet)

CardnameHow Many in Deck
Atlas Revised AS7-K1
Awesome AWS-8Q1
Centurion CN9-D1
Coordinator Theodore Kurita1
Cyclops CP 10-Z1
Daikyu DAI-011
Daimyo DMO-1K1
Defensive Formation1
Difficult Terrain1
Dragon DRG-1N1
Falcon Hawk FNHK-9KIA1
Forged Mission Orders1
Grand Dragon DRG-5K1
Grasshopper GHR-5H1
Gunslinger GUN-1ERD1
Hatamoto-Chi HTM-27T1
Hermes II HER-5S1
Hunchback HBK-4G1
Inside Job1
Jenner JR7-D1
Katana CRK-5003-21
Kurita High Command1
Narrow Valley1
Quickdraw QKD-4G1
QuickDraw QKD-5M1
Sacrifice for the Dragon!1
Stalker STK-3F1
Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy1
Support: Assembly7
Support: Logistics3
Support: Munitions6
Support: Politics3
Support: Tactic5
Taking the Hit1
Trebuchet TBT-5N1
Venom Revised SDR-9K1
Vicious Kick1
Victor VTR-9B2
Victor VTR-9K1
Very Cool Card Games